In the beginning of 2020, my magical dear friend picked a Rune for me. It was ᚼ hagall (“hail”). When I read what she wrote to me, I immediately associated the archetype of Pluto. Now I am reading it again… The Rune was for me but, simultaneously, this is exactly what I have been describing about what Pluto/ Saturn/ Jupiter in Capricorn are doing right now for humanity!
So I post what she wrote to me which might resonate for you, too! 

“The Rune that came to you is Hagalaz, the ᚼ Hail Rune. This is one of my favorite Runes but it can be a bit ‘brutal’ at times. Just like an unexpected hailstorm on a sunny summer day, this Rune can hit and destroy and there is no way to avoid the motions that have set off.
This Rune can come to clear something that needs to go away, a toxic situation or relationship. New insights, new important learnings are given by this Rune. It can come to tell you that you need to change directions or strategies in a situation.
In the old days, the Hagal Rune was regarded as the ‘white seed’ the purest of seeds to be planted after a purification, cleansing, clearing of something that needed to be cleared in order for something new to sprout and grow with the right nourishment.”
Thank you for your magic, my dear friend! 

Take good care of yourself and go one step at a time to you all. 

Photo by my friend of ‘hagall’ in the middle