what we do
"Sustainability" agenda such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are often intricate entanglements of society, environment and economy, perhaps involving many components and stakeholders. In order to achieve SDGs or create sustainable solutions, we initially need to untwine and understand the situation by identifying such components and stakeholders. This process becomes extremely important later on because Sustainable solutions often require "Trade-off" to balance the situation. Thus, we propose to approach SDG agenda and define its actions as follows:
1. Identify Sustainability agenda
What are the problem? What items in SDGs do you want to take actions on?
2. Conduct Ethnography around the agenda
Where this problem is happening? Who are involved? What do they aim to achieve in the situation? Observe and interview an organisation from the Cultural Anthropological perspective. Our qualitative research and analysis are especially suitable for organisations operating in multi-stakeholder, multi-cultural and global environment.
3. Find actions through innovative ideas
What resources are available or could be useful? Support the process of idea creation through combining various resources.
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"Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step." − Lao Tzu

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